Field of competence

Tech Area

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tHEMA & attitude

Transform labs, workshops and test facilities into hybrid innovation spaces

Technology is currently developing, changing and merging more and more. Previously separate areas are converging and completely new mixtures of topics can be seen in many places.

We believe that AI, virtualization and automation will permeate everything and make completely new processes and interfaces necessary.

Our mission is to create technical working environments in which these technical conversions and innovations are made possible through hybrid solutions.

We would love to be your temporary team of experts.

Let's start a new future together.


We can help you with that!


How will technological developments change my laboratory, workshop and test environments?

Many companies are faced with the following questions:


This is what we bring to bear

show all TOOLS

Our team is experienced in applying the most innovative tools and methods of physical and digital space. We always deliver tailor-made solution concepts and results for our clients.



BMW Group

Requirements Masterplan FIZ Future 2050

Identification and creation of a strategically meaningful and flexible target picture with formulation of next steps in a roadmap.

To the project overview
State Lab

New construction of the Berlin Brandenburg State Laboratory

Target-oriented implementation from A to Z in a PPP project for supporting and user-accompanying project success.

To the project overview
Hannover region

Next Campus Hanover / Garbsen

Elaboration of bases for the development of a site and promotion of technologies of the future.

To the project overview

How do I develop, plan and create future hybrid living and working spaces?

Inspiration & Innovation

How do I develop, plan and create the optimal environment for laboratories, test facilities and workshops in the future?

Core value 4