Digital vs. analogue - Where will the interfaces be in the future? This is the question we addressed during our 4th Circle Talks
On 29 September, another event in our Digital Circle Talks series took place. This time the question was "Digital vs. Analogue - Where will the interfaces be in the future? With the help of our invited experts Christian Bredlow, Niklas Timmermann and our participants we were able to approach the topic from several angles and develop a multi-layered result.
From gamification to increased work efficiency and flexibility due to video calls to coworking benefits of analogue togetherness to the hybrid touchpoint: the fusion of digital and physical space.
In order to get an overview of the topic and the different points of view, we have once again generated an interactive Miro Mindwall and populated it with pictures and key points from the participants during the talk.
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Circle Talks