R&D Center Global

The goal of the study was to examine R&D centers worldwide for discernible patterns and trends.

The study examined three overarching questions: 1. what patterns and trends can be identified in the R&D centers of the world's most innovative companies? 2) Can a change be identified here that can be explained by the concept of the corporate campus? 3) What differences and similarities can be identified between the head quarters of the world's largest and most innovative companies?

Based on the Forbes Most Innovative Companies and the BCG Most Innovative Companies, the research centers of more than 130 companies worldwide were analyzed according to these basic questions with more than 50 parameters and compared with each other for the most diverse correlations. The results of the study show that, due to the ever-increasing importance of in-house research, R&D centers are growing and changing in terms of their construction and structure.

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